Pet owners of Fairway Estates please Register your pets if you wish for them to appear in the pet directory. Previously registered pets have been listed. If no photo appears, we did not receive one from you.

How it works

The site is sponsored voluntarily by Kelly Dixon to support pet owners in Fairway Estates and support their efforts to reconnect with their pets. There are many reasons a pet might be lost; fireworks scaring the pet, inclement weather, getting out of the yard. We want all pets to be safe and connected to their owners.

I welcome your input on your experience. Please let me know how I can help make this site better.Contact me on my email:KJDIXON@KJDIXON.COM

There may come a time when your pet has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. You can also let me know and I can remove your pet from the listings.This is my email:KJDIXON@KJDIXON.COM

Our goal is to help connect you with your pet should it be lost or found, so we do ask for your first and last name (this allows us filter unrelated account creation) and a phone number and email address. Although you can choose how much / how little information you want to share about your pet, the more information we have, the easier it is to match a lost pet to its owner. You may ask to have your information deleted from Fairway Pets at any time. Please get in touch with us and let us know which pets are also listed with your account so that we may remove all relevant information.

This website was started because as pet owners, we have found pets in the neighborhood and wondered who they belonged to. We would have liked to help get them back to their owners.

Please take some time to post your pet on the registration form and mark the pet as lost. There are also a few other places to help you connect back with your pet. Make sure to post your pet on these other locations with a broader eye than just Fairway Estates.  1)  Lost/Found Pets of Pinellas  2)  Fairway Estates FB Group Page  3) Fairway Estates NEXTDOOR feed (must be logged in)

We love our pets, and Fairway Pets is sponsored by Kelly Dixon to provide our community with a pet directory.